Cost is £10 - money paid at time of booking with Claire
The blog contains society news and activities. You are welcome to comment on the pages. Find out more at: tottonartsociety.org and Facebook: www.facebook.com/groups/134056857189218/
ART EXTRA - meetings have started again on the second Tuesday of the month at Calmore Community Centre from 2-4pm. The next meeting is on 14th December. Book places with Claire.
ADVENTUROUS ARTISTS SKETCHING GROUP. This is now working well. The meetings are on the second Wednesday of the month. The last was an outing to Lepe Country Park with a chat in the cafe afterwards.
This is a new group starting on the third Monday of the month and held via Messenger Rooms ( so you can stay at home in the warm) Each month we will produce art works on a given subject and then show our results and discuss them and anything else vaguely art related such as other work we've done, problems we've encountered, artists/exhibitions/ paintings etc we've come across lately. Our main aim is to use different media, techniques etc and our imaginations and creativity .Our first meeting was very successful. The subject was "animals" and art work ranged from tigers to butterflies in mixed media with a lino- printed owl by Helen and a collaged dragonfly by Betty.
Our next subject is "Our Environmental Crisis" and anything goes!! See the results on December 20th at 7-30pm. Di has the link so contact her and join in .
These have started again on the fourth Wednesday of the month at 7-30pm.
At the first meeting members tried leaf printing as well as showing their paintings done during the lockdown period. It was obvious that there is alot of talent in the Society!
Here is a report from Di on the latest meeting.
Our November meeting focused on negative spaces. There were 2 videos and Helen and Di demonstrated drawing. Henry answered questions about his fabulous poured painting "FLOW" which he had embellished with gold & bronze paint and also applied a resin finish to it. Finally the members drew one of their shoes paying attention to the negative spaces.
Pictures to follow
Report by DI:-
Some members of the Adventurous Artists Sketching Group have been meeting online since last November. Meetings outdoors resumed in June this year and in July Ashlett Creek was a perfect location for sketching on a warm sunny day. Zoom regulars Ali, Gail, Pam K, Helen, Pam R, Di, Catherine, Muriel, Betty and Tony, Harry, Lorna, Janet, Pat G and Catherine. Happily Muriel was walking again and Gail was accompanied by her sister Sue.
Most of us settled opposite the tide mill only to discover that the proportions of the buildings and the windows could be challenging to draw - many were individually-sized and placed asymmetrically. Drawing boats was a lot easier. Our drink and a chat outside the Jolly Sailor pub rounded off the afternoon perfectly.
PS by Betty
We are all very grateful to DI as she has kept us going with Zoom sessions which have been inspirational and encouraging. We saw how we were each tackling our own projects and were inspired and encouraged to try new ones. Gentle criticism from the other members was very helpful and hopefully we will continue with the Zoom meetings at any time if we cannot have the normal ones. Above all it kept us together socially. The Zoom system is very easy to use -just click on the link Di sends and open. So a BIG THANK YOU Di!!