Saturday, 19th July
We are hoping to arrange a trip to Art in Action at
If you are interested in going please let Helen Davies know.
Waterperry House, Waterperry,
Near. Wheatley, Oxfordshire
OX33 1JZ
The site covers many
acres and is an opportunity to see well-known artists and craftspeople at work.
There are exhibitions of paintings, pottery, glasswork, woodturning, furniture,
etc as well as workshops and demonstrations. The artists change every
year. There is also a very large marquee devoted to the sale of art and craft
materials so put a limit on your spending money. The gardens and house are also
worth seeing and music is performed in the house and in the open-air theatre in the
garden. There are plenty of places for eating and drinking and queuing is not a
major problem - the raspberry and cream crepes were delicious last year!
For details look on the Art in Action Website
Below are some pictures taken on previous visits:
Portrait Artist
The Art Marquee
Harpist in the Open-air Theatre