Our evening workshop with Helen Talbot was full of surprises!
Helen showed us how to develop the theme of the seasons with a concertina sketchbook using thick cartridge paper or thin card and a glue stick.
She suggested collecting photographs natural materials for collage. She keeps hers in labelled envelopes. Natural textures can be used to decorate the pages.
Helen's seasonal art featured flowers and wildlife, with different colour choices appropriate for the season.
Helen explained how washing-up liquid can be used to thin paint. A thin coating on a leaf will enable paint to make better leaf prints. A little fabric conditioner can also be used for thinning acrylics.
She showed how effectively a few simple pieces of printed text torn from a newspaper or magazine can be glued into paintings to convey a message.
When one sheet is folded into four, it could be displayed by standing it up. Alternatively, sheets glued end-to-end may be folded to create a small concertina book and hung up on a pin-board.
Our members were inspired to try out some of the new techniques.