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Friday, March 31, 2017



The following is a summary of the main points of the AGM - more details if needed are available from our hardworking Secretary, Mary Maskell.

Kate opened the meeting by presenting her report and thanking everyone who plays a particular part in making the Society the success it is and for the support given by all the members.

 Di has produced a varied programme for the coming year and introduced the new Art Journey which she and Helen have devised to get us to experiment and improve our painting. More details will be given at the June meeting.

 Helen thanked everyone for paying their subscriptions - there are a few vacancies for membership. She also announced that there will be a visit to the Ashmolean Museum later in the summer and asked for any ideas for future trips.

 Glennis presented the accounts and as we made a small loss this year we voted to set the subscriptions at £25 for 2018.

 Claire has publicised the Society well and for this year's exhibition we will be in the Open Studios booklet. She also asked for more people to volunteer to lead workshops. Tony ( and Betty) reported that the Web-site and Blog were receiving many hits. More pictures could be put into the galleries and instructions for doing this were on the Web-site. The Blog is useful to use as a reference to previous Demonstrators work when doing one's own painting as well as being used as a diary.

 Colin has set up a closed Facebook page for the society but remember Facebook has the copyright for any images posted. It will be useful to pass on any information, comments etc about art related matters to other members. 

Glennis and Claire resigned from their posts (Claire will remain as Workshop Co-Ordinator) and we are deeply grateful to them for all the time and effort they have devoted to our interests. Kate presented them with a bowl of flowering bulbs as a token of our appreciation of their valuable contribution to the Society over many years.

Glennis and Claire were replaced as follows:-

          Treasurer - Janet Horton

          Publicity - Ali McShea

        and Colin Osbourne becomes a new Committee Member

Finally our past Chairman, Anne Hammerton, was elected as Vice-President.



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