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Friday, March 24, 2023


 The events of 2022 were reviewed at the AGM and some future events were also announced.

We look forward to mounting an exhibition at Hanger Farm Arts Centre during May. Mary will give

There will be a members' outing via minibus to Bennetts Water Gardens and the Russel Coates Museum on Tuesday 27th June organised by Helen.

The next Saturday workshop will be painting SKIES organised by Claire'

was followed by members showing their competition entries.

The theme - an artwork in the style of an artist you admire. - had been suggested by Gail Morris, (who stood down as Programme Coordinator at the AGM).

Gail painted a Henri Rousseau

Helen painted her grand-daughter in Mucha style

Henry painted a Vettriano

Mary painted Monet's garden

Sue created a Kurt Jackson engine with rail tickets

Janet painted a Monet

, Ann Farr painted a Hockney

Betty painted a Graham Sutherland view in Pembrokeshire

Claire painted The Cornfield by Constable

Di painted 'A Portrait of Nicola' inspired by Daniel Gerhartz

Tina painted a Sisley

Helen & Mary tied for first place in the voting and Gail gave the casting vote to Mary. Sue presented Mary with her unique trophy and a large Easter egg!

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